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Moti has a number of powerful features that make your animations slick and simple.

import { MotiView, MotiText } from 'moti'

Mount animations

You can set the initial state with from. Any styles passed to animate will transition for you.

<MotiView from={{ opacity: 0 }} animate={{ opacity: 1 }} />

Animate based on React state

<MotiView animate={{ opacity: isLoading ? 1 : 0 }} />

This is useful for dynamic height changes, for instance.

const [height, setHeight] = useMeasure()


Customize your animation

Moti animations are highly configurable, thanks to the transition prop. If you've used framer-motion, this will look familiar.

from={{ opacity: 0, scale: 0.5 }}
animate={{ opacity: 1, scale: 1 }}
type: 'timing',
duration: 350,

You can also configure different transitions per-style:

from={{ opacity: 0, scale: 0.5 }}
animate={{ opacity: 1, scale: 1 }}
// default settings for all style values
type: 'timing',
duration: 350,
// set a custom transition for scale
scale: {
type: 'spring',
delay: 100,

If you set type: 'spring', you can pass any options that Reanimated's withSpring accepts. Same goes for type: 'timing' & Reanimated's withTiming.

Mount/unmount animations 😎

Framer Motion introduced the incredible AnimatePresence component to animate a component before it unmounts.

With Moti, you can now achieve the same thing in React Native.

Import AnimatePresence

import { AnimatePresence } from 'moti'

Add an exit prop

Wrap your animation with AnimatePresence, and add an exit prop.

const [visible, setVisible] = useState(false)

{visible && (
from={{ opacity: 1 }}
animate={{ opacity: 1 }}
opacity: 0,

Even though it's experimental, I think this feature is so cool.

Exit before enter

You can leverage the exitBeforeEnter prop to only allow one item to be visible at a time.

Make sure that its direct children have a unique key prop for this to work.

const Skeleton = () => (
animate={{ opacity: 1 }}
opacity: 0,

const WithAnimatedPresence = () => (
<AnimatePresence exitBeforeEnter>
{loading && <Skeleton key="skeleton" />}

{!loading && (
animate={{ opacity: 1 }}
opacity: 0,

In the example above, the content won't load in until after the skeleton has faded out.

The exit prop can be inside of a nested component. However, it's important that the direct children of AnimatePresence have a unique key.

Delay animations

You can use the delay prop

// delay in milliseconds
from={{ translateY: -5 }}
animate={{ translateY: 0 }}

Or, pass your delay in transition:

from={{ translateY: -5 }}
animate={{ translateY: 0 }}
delay: 100,

You can also set a different delay per-style:

from={{ translateY: -5, opacity: 0 }}
animate={{ translateY: 0, opacity: 1 }}
translateY: {
delay: 100,
opacity: {
delay: 250,

Sequence animations

To create a sequence animation, similar to CSS keyframes, just pass an array to any style:

scale: [0.1, 1.1, 1],

This will animate to 0.1, then 1.1, then 1.

If you want to customize each step of the animation, you can also pass an object with a value field.

scale: [
// you can mix primitive values with objects, too
{ value: 0.1, delay: 100 },
{ value: 1, type: 'timing', delay: 200 },

Any transition settings can be passed to a sequence object.

Repeat & loop animations

Repeat an animation 4 times.

from={{ opacity: 0 }}
animate={{ opacity: 1 }}
repeat: 4,

By default, repetitions reverse, meaning they automatically animate back to where they just were.

You can disable this behavior with repeatReverse: false.

from={{ opacity: 0 }}
animate={{ opacity: 1 }}
repeat: 4,
// when false, animation goes 0 -> 1, then starts over back at 0
repeatReverse: false,

Setting repeatReverse to true is like setting animationDirection: alternate in CSS.

Infinitely loop from 0 to 1:

from={{ opacity: 0 }}
animate={{ opacity: 1 }}
loop: true,

Repetition styles can't be changed on the fly. Reanimated's withRepeat has some limitations, so just keep that in mind.

If you're trying to change them on the fly via re-render, you may have to update the component's key.

Listen to animation changes

The onDidAnimate function prop gets called whenever an animation completes.

from={{ opacity: 0 }}
animate={{ opacity: 1 }}
{ attemptedValue }
) => {
console.log('[moti]', styleProp, didAnimationFinish) // [moti], opacity, true

if (styleProp === 'opacity' && didAnimationFinish) {
console.log('did animate opacity to: ' + attemptedValue)


You can define static variants when your component mounts:

const animationState = useAnimationState({
from: {
opacity: 0,
to: {
opacity: 1,

// make sure to pass this to the `state` prop
return <MotiView state={animationState} />

Or set custom variants and update them on the fly:

const animationState = useAnimationState({
closed: {
height: 0,
open: {
height: 300,

const onPress = () => {
if (animationState.current === 'closed') {
} else {

return <MotiView state={animationState} />

You can use this to create reusable animations, too:

const useFadeIn = () => {
return useAnimationState({
from: {
opacity: 0,
to: {
opacity: 1,

const FadeInComponent = () => {
const fadeInState = useFadeIn()

return <MotiView state={fadeInState} />

Read more about useAnimationState.