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Zero to $10m with React Native + Next.js

Fernando Rojo, the creator of Moti, gave a talk at Next.js Conf 2021 about using React Native + Next.js.

You can skip to 6:30 for discussion about Moti.

For more info on Fernando's talk, head to

Moti Animations in 4 min

A great overview of Moti by Arunaud, AKA Evening Kid.

Check out Evening Kid's YouTube channel for more React Native content.

Can Moti simplify React Native animations?

Evening Kid takes us through Moti's potential to simplify performant animations.

Live Stream: Fernando Rojo & Catalin Miron

When Fernando Rojo released Moti in February 2021, Catalin Miron invited him onto his popular YouTube channel for a (nearly) 2 hour walk through.

Catalin Miron Tutorials

Catalin Miron has a number of great tutorials that show the power of Moti.

Phone Ring Indicator Wave with Moti

Loading indicator with Moti

🎛 Custom Animated Switch component with Moti